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What's Needed

Synod has already agreed that to begin a new work a minimum of three families will be required. (A family consists of one or more persons.) These families, some of whom should have children/young people, must demonstrate:

• A Christ-Centered Life. They should show a dear commitment to Christ and Christian growth. The Word of God should have a central place in their lives and they should be conscientious with regard to the observance of family worship.

• A Denomination-Rooted Life. They must show a teachable and submissive spirit to the teaching of Holy Scripture as set forth in the Testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland.

• A Community-Based Life. They should be settled in the area or be prepared to move to the area in which they desire to see the new works begin.

• An Evangelistic-Oriented Life. They should be committed to evangelism and have a vision for the growth of the work in the area.